You know I've been thinking, I Can Never work under anyone! Why all of a sudden this thought? Met up with a few ex-colleagus over the weekend from previous 2 companies that I worked in. They have reminded me constantly everytime when i meet them, how a rebel I was. Frequent argument with boss and management. I'm such a Bitch! No one takes my opinion seriously and I get angry whenever the boss changes things I do. I guess whenever a male and male is put in a same environment having testis hormone charge both wants to be Alpha Male.
In my experience, tt is always a bad idea to have more than one alpha male in one environment. As in most companies, not all employees workplace get along. Sometimes, the claws scratches even though they are not directed to you.
Below is an example of me having conversation with my ex-Boss:- (I'm Alpha Male 2)
Alpha Male 1: Rarr rarr ra rarr rar rarr?
Alpha Male 2: Rar rarara rarr....
Alpha Male 1: Rarr rarr ra rarr rar rarr!
Alpha Male 2: Rarr ra RARR!!
Alpha Male 1: Rarr rarrrarr RARR RAR!!!!
Alpha Male 2: RaARAaRrARRARARRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Both Alpha Males: RAR RAR RARRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now this is funny shitz, it wasn't funny until i see the lion fighting
yeap, i dont wan to rarrr anymore
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