Friday, June 30, 2006

Can't Help It.

I snore..... :P

Now please note, its not like I didn't know I snored. It was like a piece of information that I knew about myself that although not something I was happy about, it wasn't something that was going to keep me up at night. Fact is, my snoring only really bothers other people around me when I'm sleeping. I dont sleep around most people so its never really an issue. Only people who may have heard me snore is people who lives with me.

But as of late I have someone new around. Who now is there when I sleep. I think she's gonna kill me in my sleep in a form of strangulation, if she knows I snore like a lion. I have no clue how a lion snores!? I just like to believe that if i have to have this horrible affliction, at least I can liken myself to a lion (yea you could say a pig too). I have no clue why I'm snoring so loudly. I was told many times before that it was because of my health. "Stop eating fatty food!!" So as of late I've cut out on eggs, cheese, cakes, BKT and everything else i find tasty. Well I need help, my gf now reminds me of this every each and other day and oh ya "drink more water", when you get up in the morning, before lunch, after lunch, before dinner after dinner, before you sleep.......ok...

Comments Section Moderated

I have some request from readers which is to take measure on the comments section. Therefore comment posting on this blog will be moderated as a measure to cope with the flaming galore which was going on between my fellow readers. My initial plan was to removed comment section but it will not be fair for other readers.

I was willing to make it simple and easy for readers to post their comments but there was an abuse in the usage. There is a limit to what you can say and what you cannot in order to respect yourself, others as well as for this blog.

It is very immature and wrong to place threats, word abuses, discriminatory writings on race and sex in this blog and people do not condone to such an act. On behalf on my other readers, I apologize for the inconvenience. A control on this situation had to be implemented and abuser's post will be filtered before post can be seen by others that may cause upseting or disturbing consequences.

As you have notice TagBoard Messages Script has also been removed temporarily and will be upgraded with IP blocking capabilities.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Month of June

Hello July,
Midway through last week I looked up and realized it was already mid year of 2006. I have been really busy with my work, getting new businesses and chasing payments for a few weeks now and work life is getting back to normal.

Admittedly the first week or two I wasn't really feeling that well. Skipped my exercise routine for a month and I couldn’t find my groove and physically I wasn't up to par before the day was up. Now, it would appear that my body has adjusted and seems to be telling me it is ready to step it up. I promised myself to kick off next month of July with a proper workout which i needed badly. I expect tomorrow will be like today, just spelled differently.

And yea got to quit smoking.... one day.... some day

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Something here...

Hi. I've been ignoring this blog. I should write something. Yea something...... Something lighthearted. Something joyous and happy? I pray for the death George Bush!, I watched Farenheit 9/11 last night on Astro. There. something that would bring joy to the whole world.

Superman out!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Malaysian Driver & Their On Lookers

They should probably tell this driver not to imitate the Italian Job. The american flood drains are much bigger and wider. And you might also want to tell the person who took this picture not to stop at the shoulder of the road, get down from his car, walk to the accident scene and snap these photos with his handphone and post it on the blog for self entertainment. Malaysian... sigh.... they are such busybodies.

Blog Lack of Attention

I really should probably blog and I have to apologise to some of you readers whom I promised to post something since last month. I have a hard time getting my ass to the blog page. To actually sit down and write something coherent. I have blogs written and saved as draft that will never see the light of day because of various reasons.


So I find myself with a sparsely updated blog. Then I find myself blogging about the fact that I'm not blogging which by the way, I think, should cause the world to implode. Theres something strange about it. Okay. Here we go. I'm gonna type something interesting. Really. I am. Watch me. Here it comes. And...Wait, not yet....okay now.

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