Thursday, November 30, 2006

5 Sins I Want To Repent!

After much consideration whether to blog about this. I think I can rank the sins that I'm guilty of:
  1. Gluttony: I may be on the average size but I'm also a glutton. I eat alot, especially food I love. And I love many food. Easier to list out what I don't eat!
  2. PC Game Addict: I've been gaming since I was year 5 primary with those DOS 286DX machines and at this age of 30 I'm still at it.
  3. Sloth: I'm a homely kind a guy. I can laze at home and not do anything. I enjoy lying on my bed and stare at the ceiling. My office table is in a mess full of unopened letters, unfiled documents and maybe a couple of bills I have yet to pay!
  4. Envy: I'm envious of many things around me what I have and I don't have. (but I told myself that if I want to get to that stage, I will strive for it doesn't matter what it takes to get there)
Yes, that's all no number 5. I think what I'm guilty of are bad enough!

Words of Wisdom

I was playing this game on my notebook last night and this AI character said:

"Attitude is CHOSEN!"

I like this quote, i think it should meant choose the right attitude to face every situation, every day. Well at least something is good coming out from a violent game.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Starting my Day

Let’s admit it, one of the toughest thing to do each day is to get out of bed and get on with the day. Here’s how I start my day everyday:

  1. Mild Cold shower to shock me out of dreamland while dating Jessica Alba.
  2. Hot cup of Boh tea to supply my body with all the nutrients a tea leave can provide (if there's any) and oh a 3 loaves of Kan-ni-nea bread (get it? Gardenia Bread) with what ever I have in the fridge.
  3. Check emails to make sure that I won’t have a blur look because some of the emails i received will shock me into alertness. (is there such a word?)
  4. Looking at my wife from outside my office room. She is pretending that she is busy but she is not. Every morning she puts on this serious look while looking at the computer. (Anyway how do i type a warning letter?)
  5. And finally check my blog.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

When Will I Die?

This is a survey i took on the internet. Quite a hilarious questionaires they ask you but all pertaining to risk factors in life and the things you do. try it out.

By the way I'm dying at the age of 76!! that's old right?

I am going to die at 76. When are you? Click here to find out!

Decisions… decisions… decisions…

It sucks, you know. There’s something you want to do, there’re choices you want to make but on the other hand, you have to do what is right and what’s better for the greater good.

Looking at it from another perspective, who is to decide what’s right? Who is to decide which choice is for the greater good? Who knows whether the result of making this right choice is better than the one which a person’s desired choice? What about the other way ’round? Who will bear the consequences if anything goes wrong?

All these are just making me go crazy. Sometimes i get myself into it quite often at every aspect in life. Do you know what I'm talking about?? Forget it then.

Monday, November 27, 2006

10 Rantings over the weekend!!

  1. Sibeh Sway! Last week makan chicken rice at Kelana Jaya Nam Heong kena saman by MBPJ but luckily the Chicken Rice was real good or else I would have swore mother & father out!
  2. For the past 2 days I didn't bomb any shit, been too busy with my work. I just feel fat now.
  3. I think I'm having period because this few days I've been a very bad mouth and not in a good mood person. Why? Men cannot have period ar?! Tiu!
  4. My wife is also having period on Sunday because she said I bully her and was giving me this one question- one answer type of reply. So i have to manja and sayang her the whole day.
  5. Some distant relative passed away, did not attend the wake cause I don't know who he is? I'm trying to be sad but I'm can't and I'm not.
  6. My notebook Fan finally stop functioning since the last time i fixed it which was 6 months ago and now giving me this damn "fan error" message again. This time I sent it to hospital IBM. And about the same time I ask "how much is the notebook battery ar?" and the replied was "oh about RM600 to RM700" How lin kin yau expensive man!!!
  7. My HP charger was in the office and my battery worn out over the weekends so i had to switch it on and off to make calls. This damn phone sucking my battery juice like water. cibei! (I told you i was having period!)
  8. Last night Man Utd leading 1-0 Chelsea. Was happy and worth staying up late. But suddenly Chelsea scored a goal and i heard my neighbor shouting happily because they are Chelsea supporter. So i shouted back, senyap la! tak payah tidor ke?!
  9. My Ass getting bigger, i tore a hole in my pants near my butt hole. When it tore, It felt like I was incredible Hulk. brackkk....Argh!
  10. Lately I've been farting a lot from my mouth. Guide to better living!

Friday, November 24, 2006

I Rove Happy Hours!

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

Last night was The Night of all nights. Around 8:30pm My wife and I went happy hours with my brother and friends and we had great fun and not to mentioned a belly full of beer. It's not normal to drink 6 jugs of beer and 2 mugs of Royal Stout on a weekday but it was all funess. How fun? We played 5 players "chai wui" & a game called "3,6,9" all night long.

At about 2 hours from then on we became what's known as Beer Guzzlers Hooligans. Everyone has a fair share of beer but I must say I was the lucky one who had brought along a wife to help me "teng chau". What useless nincompoops am I!? Anyways it was a hilarious night. Seeing gentle, manly, polite friends transformed themselves into child like being, dancing caveman like style.

My wife and I managed to properly escape beer guzzling session about 2 hours later, however we were pulled back to finish a glass of beer that was left breeding goldfish. And as for me, I was in the verge of a worst belly extension ever in the history of mankind. I belief my belly was stretch an inch since last night.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


I guess I have pretty much decided to spend our Christmas in that small island. It has been a year since I've been to Singapore but everytime I'm there is always on business, sigh. Well, spending a little quality time with my wife there should not be a problem for her since she deserve some crazyness shopping time there. Ling, go ea$y on me will ya??

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Past, Present, Future

The worst thing to do is to compare the past to the future, if you want a situation to be just like the past, it is impossible because 3 things from then I realized have changed other people, places and myself, I smile alot now at what I have now and dream about what fun and how good it wil be.

It works when I realize that the past is truly the past and I have done my best. The present and the future will be ruin if I kept getting down about the past. I've started anew and it's working perfectly fine. Defiantly worth it.

By looking at the future I think it spurred me into positive action more than anything. I’ve been laughing a lot this year and living in the present, and I’m smiling a LOT while thinking of my wedding in June 2007. Alot has been put in thoughts about how to make good money with my business, support my wife and to start a family by 2008. I am very lucky to have wife that knows her position in the relationship and I appreciate every effort she puts into me.

I always strive to have a better future and not just looking at the present in order to have a good position in life. What i mean is look at thing broadly and be mature with what you want to have and whether there will be a future in it.

Aging Feeling

For the past 2 days I was away for a wedding reception. And I'm still trying to get use to having a Sister In-Law now. Eve of the reception we did not have enough sleep, in total only 2 hours of sleep before the groom arrived. I was being nominated as being one of the bridesmaids. Yes, the only bridesmaid without breasts. The most interesting part of the reception really takes place at the doorstep of my wife's house, by 9.00am it was already heavily guarded by the bridesmaid or "cheemui" of the bride. It is customary for the bridesmaid to give the bridegroom a difficult time before he is allowed to enter. Usually wisdom and courage and his best buddy will help the bridegroom to succeed in his “trial”. However, there is one more situation he has to negotiate with the bridesmaid and sisters of the bride to distribute among them Ang Pow! The funny part was i get to share the ang pow collection :P but I gave it to my wife. The trials went on for an hour, when some of the "best buddy" were starting to lose their patience and started pushing their way in, i mean really pushing and shoving but the bridesmaid proved to be the stronger group. What was "THE MOMENT" for me was to having the honor to sit with my wife to receive Tea from the Groom and the Bride. I being the eldest Brother In-Law gave them ang pow each and said some words of wisdom and encouragement.

click here to see Pictures

Sunday, November 19, 2006

10th June 2007

Just a small update, I hope. Today was restaurant hunting day and the first thing that came into my head this morning "We'll never be able to find the restaurant that has the date we want so badly!" I knew the thoughts that was going thru my wife cause I had the same feeling as well, neither both of us want to get married end of year 2007! It is just too long to wait and unbearable to sit and wait for time to past. But lucky for us we have a few dates to choose from and we are most particular about the month of June 2007. There are too many choices and too many opinions from many many people. I estimated to have 60 tables but that figure might increase once we have finalized our guest list. Since I prefer to hold it at restaurant, we have actually short listed a few before we went rampaging in Klang Valley for Restaurants. They are:- Tai Thong Imperial China Subang Jaya, Tai Thong Dynasty Puchong, Overseas Armada Hotel and a restaurant in Kota Damansara.

Ok here we go,departed from my house arounf 11:30am, proceeded to have our brunch nearby. Soon after we made a dash to our first stop Imperial China Subang (sounded like we're going for a camping trip). I looked at my wife and said to her cross your fingers and wish us well. Upon entering the restaurant we were greeted by not pretty but friendly waitresses. We were ushered to meet up with the restaurant manager Mr. Lee. To cut the story short, all the dates that we have on our list are all fully booked!!!! OMG! But we tried our luck with the manager on 10th June 2007 which was booked by a fella but have not paid the deposit. My wife and I were aggressive to obtain this date and this is our priority restaurant hence we told the manager that we will give you the deposit of RM3000.00 now, "delete that fuckers name and put ours!!" The manager said no no no, unless he calls that guy and see if he is still interested. Only then he will surrender that beautiful date to us. So he went and call this guy, fucker did not pick up his phone but i insisted that he calls him back again. No answer still. The manager said he will try again later but will put us in the list just in case. Sigh... we left empty handed.

Second stop Tai Thong Puchong, went in greeted by the manager. The first impression wasn't satisfying due to 6 pillars that was going through the restaurant. Let's say we have tables behind the pillars, people won’t be able to see the stage. Table to table space are very limited and can only accommodate 60 tables max. Blah! Anyway the dates that we wanted were all cash deposited, so no chance lor.IV>

Third stop, Overseas Armada, it rained when we got there not a good sign. We were getting tired and rather disappointed by the results we were getting so this will be our final chance to strike gold although we don't really like the place. They are able to cater for 80+ tables.. Met with the supervisor, she showed us that 10th June 2007 was already booked by another idiot who was on our date! But have not paid his deposit, so we did the same thing, i said "give us this damn date, i pay you the deposit!" then she said "oh like that ar? okok i cancel this name and put your name, since they didn't confirm back for 2 weeks already." We just looked at each other finally with a tiny smile. But i know in our minds, Imperial China Subang is still our priority. We are not satisfied still.

Later that afternoon, i called the Imperial China manager again and i told him i am coming over no matter what to pay that deposit. He said no no no again! He didn't manage to call the fucker who booked the date earlier. So he said it's not proper and he will call me back once he has managed to confirm if he is still interested. Sigh!!! Later that day we waited and waited and waited, slept woke up and slept again.

Woke up for dinner yet there was no call from Imperial China Manager. It was a rather dullful nite for dinner, was raining, cold........ Suddenly ring ring ring ring..... my phone rang and it was him our GOD our savior, I was praying that it will be a good news. And indeed it was! That was the sweetest voice I have ever heard in my whole entire life,

"Mr. Tan, I can't reach that fucker on the phone so I might as well give that date to you, so you coming to pay your RM3000.00 ar?"

My answer was "YOU WAIT FOR ME I COME NOW!"

I sped to the Imperial China, and gave him the deposit. That was the sweetest moment and a huge releave for my wife and me. So be it...... 10th June 2007 and by the way, sorry dude whoever you are, survival of the fittest.

Another hurdle, wedding photos! To be continue.......

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Good Karma

As of yesterday we have finally received our official chinese customary wedding date. I'm very relieve indeed been waiting for 3 months!. There tends to be differentiation in custom according to the dialect groups. Especially for Hakka dialect groups, they are extremely particular about the wedding custom especially in choosing an auspicious date, time and hours but luckily my wife and I had no problems with this. Both our parents agreed on the date that was given to us.

I know for a fact when we decided to settle down, the first thing that was on my mind to do is to ask a professional fortune-teller, feng shui master, or Chinese almanac expert to select an auspicious wedding date. As a rule as i've known for this past few months, Chinese do not schedule wedding on the seventh month of the Lunar Year, the month of the Ghost Festival. Also middle of month like June is not prefered because we chinese say "Half Year Marriage". ikewise, any renovation of the house or the bedroom will not be done in this month. To further complicate things, we want to get married on the same date, one of the several auspicious days in the Chinese Almanac to ensure good Karma!

I've learned everyday, marital preparation does teaches us something and I'm trying to do everything by the book the best I can. We both are trying to get it done quick and in perfect order. Not a perfect score yet but I know we can get there. But we will always try to improve ourselves as we go along this path.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Weekend Update

Very unusual for me not to have written anything since Thursday. I'm usually good at keeping this blog up-to-date. But, for the first time in a long while, I've actually been occupied on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights!!!

A good weekend so far. Thursday my wife was staying over at my place for the weekends and she invited her ex-colleuges for some Steam Boat laughing session, she laughed and she laughed so hard that she forgot to breath, almost fainted! Im serious! Noisy atmosphere, good food, and great company. After that Cafe Flam and I had a few beers and she had watermelon sensing that her gastric problem is coming back to haunt her. Yeap, right in the middle of the night I had to send her to a 24hr clinic for a jab.

Friday & Saturday night visited our second home. A few more people got to know I got married and I was punched for not telling them and a few challenged me for some shots of drinks which barely even scorched me and I had to pretend I was drunk. Supper for the night Bak Kut Teh at Cynna Restaurant. It was all good I drove home safely, no animals was injured or killed.

Sunday, Steamboat for dinner again but this time not as noisy, crazy, funny or loud at all. We we planning to run off without paying for the Steamboat coz it was so bad and not to mention expensive, but it was a joke. Later that night did a little coaching on my wife on Pool, she beat me, her master.

Friday, November 10, 2006


When I was very young, I am allergic to grass. I will turn Red when i brush against grass. Now when I'm older I'm allergic to everything! And with the weird weather change I experienced over the week, my allergies went haywire. The entire week was hot, then rain, then cold, then hot again sending temperatures into the 30s. I now have a full-fledged cold, complete with the anal congestion (I meant nasal congestion) and the rough corse, sexy voice now. The beer I had last night did not do the trick of curing me. Bummer! Need more drinks, it's weekend anyway whata hell!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Weight Gain!

Well, I gained 2 kg not overall but on my belly itself. But it doesn't feel like it. My pants seem a little tighter. I latch my belt at a the 4th hole instead of the 3rd. I did eat all those fatty stuff which I shouldn't, though.... Just a quick note because I haven't had much opportunity to update my blog this past few days. I've been working on hard to becoming a good husband and project Fatherhood is in planning for year 2008, the year's big spender will be me! But I promise I will keep blogging till kingdom comes!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Why Do Men Have Nipples?

Well, I don't have the answer to that, but I can tell you that although it is kind of weird that guys have nipples in the first place, it is not weird or unusual for me to enjoy having them played with. Some guys like it, and some don't. Chances are more would enjoy it if they tried what i had.

While it may seem creepy to you, because the thought of sucking on a guy's nipples is kind of different, try to look at it this way, your boyfriend was considerate enough to want to know what kinds of sensations you experienced when he touched you a certain way, and he's adventurous and in touch with what makes him turns him on. If your sex is otherwise good, there's no reason not to indulge him by giving his nips a tweak now and then. That should be enough to keep him happy. It does for me and nipple play is not a big deal. Even my friends does it on me frequently. Really.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Secret

What is the secret to happiness? I'll sum it up in 3 words love, respect and communication. Loving each other as our own bodies, respecting each other, and communicating everything so that there is never any confusion with anything (and this avoids arguing too!!).

Friday, November 03, 2006

Taking the First Step...

... of Husbandary.

Day 1: Lose my Virginity.

Singing Madonna's "I'm like a virgin, ooooh, touch for the very first time...."

Day 2: Grow a Belly.

Homer Simpson's "Dope!"

Day 3: Drink Tongkat Ali

Mawi's: "Saya boleh, you boleh!"

Day 4: Repeat Day 1,2,3 and eat lots of fresh oysters.

Pinochuo: "I'm growing...."


Thursday, November 02, 2006

That Very Happy Day

Yes, you read it correctly, its the Happiest Day... hahaha... cause my gf and I registered our marriage at the Civil Registrar KL on this date, 1st November 2006 at 12.00pm. We have agreed that our anniversary should be remembered on this date instead of our wedding date sometime in September 2007. 1st November, a wonderful and easy day to remember cause it's "111".

The day before, in the morning, I had a florist sent some flowers to her work place. Well, from her respond it was quite a suprise la. Anyway that was the flowers that we used on our register day. I really hope she will forbade me one day to send flowers to her office cause it create loads of jealousy in her office hahaha. (my excuse of having to save the trouble of looking for the closest florist to her office so that they will deliver it without delivery charge!!).

Sometimes there really is no place like home, especially for a C.O.S Buffet Dinner (Change of Status) filled with family and close friends.

Guests dined on a buffet catering from "Diners Catering" of delicious bites including gourmet mutton rendang, chicken kapitan, lemon fish, Fried Kailan, Meehoon Siam, Fried Rice and many other fingering food. NOT forgetting various types of Liquor ready to be serve but most of the "drinkers" are like "it's only wednesday tomorrow gotta work la". That's why party are only held in weekends thats only when you will see people going near the watering holes.

All in all it was quite a happy atmosphere to have friends and family around while I'm the centre of attraction... ahem, Thank You, Thank You. My Wife and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all that have turned up at my C.O.S Buffet Dinner and the gifts that was honored to us. Very much appreciate it!

p/s: See you people this weekend, Partae on.....!