Monday, June 04, 2007

A Story

Recently I have found out about things which I don't realized from this marriage of mine. Some things are happy and some are quite disappointing. I'm mainly talking about friendship here, friends whom I thought of least came true for me but friends who I had high hopes, disappoints me. As all of you know, 'Hing Tai' which in turn meant, good buddies, friends which I've known for years are the supporting arm for my marriage and I expect great deal from them. I was turned down by a friend which I consider the most understanding and supportive person. I expect him to be with me all the way and go down the history book together. In the end not only he will not be my 'Hing Tai', he won't even attend my wedding. Not because he couldn't make it but a reason that shocked the life out of me based on a miss guided understanding. There are things, not meant to be mentioned here but lets put it this way, here's how the story goes:-

I'm a sheep who lived with other sheeps for many years up and through a rocky mountain. And one day I had decided it's enough of climbing this tough rocky mountain and I told the other sheeps that I will be leaving for a better life. Hence I jump off this rocky moutain and after months of searching I finally found green pasture. But just when I was about to ask all of my sheeps on the rocky mountain to celebrate with me, I found out I was already been labeled a Black Sheep for eating in the green pasture even before I jumped off from the rocky mountain months ago. I do not know what gave the other sheep that idea but I was upset on the conclusion. So all the sheeps on the rocky mountain is framing me for eating the green pasture way before i told them I was to jump off. Like I've said the rocky mountain is a tough climb. So in short the sheeps that will not celebrate with me is the ones on the rocky mountain. All the other sheeps on the green pasture knew very well I'm a new comer.

It doesn't matter if you understand what i am posting here, i just felt that i need to get it of my chest.

The bond by blood is stronger than the bond by years of friendship.


New Haven said...

Ed: perhaps friends that were once with us through our bad and good times may decide not to be now due to their own decison over some subsequences where we would not understand from our point of view. Maybe they do have their own troubles which forces them to react as such. Although we may not understand their decision, but perhaps it was for the better in both parties. Or maybe their decision is simply too immature and over-reacted that they should consider on your feelings more as a friend. Anyway, take it easy, as the saying goes, friends come & go... treasure the good memories together and should they decided to stay where they are and not bless your future, just wish them luck :)

Anonymous said...

The sheeps on the moutain shud be happy for u that u found grass land.

Unknown said...

If it's based on something that it's true or was my fault. I would accept the consequences but this is not the case. It's a bout lies and accusation that was never based on facts but mere emotions.

Lilian Hoh said...

Can feel you, life moves on!!

Unknown said...

anyway friends are still friends. Nothing has changed for me. I'm not that siew hei type. Neither do i need to hide my face when I never did anything wrong.
