Thursday, August 16, 2007

Me Back!

I’m back. Wow it’s been awhile I’ve not posted anything here. Must pardon my absence ya. Anyways, this few weeks I’ve been totally beat up by work. I really need a holiday, which will be in 1-month time. I’ll be taking a long one. You guys can still tell that I’m still nite-out partying from those pictures I posted on Multiply.

Hmm, people been asking me what I’ve been up to lately, “making babies” are the most common! So common that you guys are 50% right. The other 50% efforts are mainly of finding money to sustain the future family, which also reduces the time I can spend for my self and the things I love to do.

Talking about the things I love to do. If you have read my previous post on Zoids I’m crazy over them for the past few weeks. I did mentioned before I started collecting them when I was 10 but stop collecting in the early 90’s due to studies abroad and of cause financial constraint then. Now being able to buy them with my own money really felt good. So this is my favorite pass time now. And oh anyone who still have their old Zoids can sell them to me.

As for my wife she arrrr.... online selling beauty products and fashion for women. Anyone interested can let me know or visit this site Cutie Fashion. (hold down Shift and click link to open in new window). If there's anything you like she will explain how you can purchase on C.O.D. Please help out ya!

Life at this juncture for me is great.

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