Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Quick Blog Summary

I have been writing in my blog for the past 3 years, so I would like to recap what I have ranted all into this post.

At the age of 30 I must say I've seen enough assholes around. They are indeed popular, the more outrageous the better I guess? What else, oh ya in the past I have people telling me fate lead me to certain decisions, well... fate hates me. I also found out that hard work is not a requirement in studies! Have you ever heard about "There is no short cut in life". This saying is bullshit.

Other facts of Life I learned.
1) Only kill yourself on rainy days, cleaners have an easier time.
2) Animal abusers deserve to be gang-raped.
3) Being a pro at CS, WOW, DOTA or whatever doesn't earn you respect, making money from it does.
4) Its better to be honest and poor than dishonest and poor.
5) Morals are subjective, apply when useful.
6) Do not bitch for or against pre-marital sex, its really none of your business.
7) Nothing is a "right" in every single place on Earth. If you feel you should dictate your life cos only your morals and beliefs are right, that's your own opinion, so keep it to yourself.

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