Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I Need New Intelligence!

I can't sit still and let the world pass me by. I am in a job where I really don't have to learn anything new. Just intruct! In one respect, that is good, however, from a career stand point, that is bad. Also, I am capable of handling loads of knowledge and I always want to learn new things. I think I am going to teach myself STOCK BROKING. It seems to be the way the people in the business industry is going (at least the part where making extra money in a non-competitve world) I have picked up some website teaching you how to play Stocks and I believe the prospects for long-term business are better with stock broking knowledge. I have a book already. It's called "Stock Broking For Dummies". I guess that is just one more challenge for my life. I can't sit still. I have to always be moving, learning, and doing something.

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