Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Reunion

Had a blast with a handful of old folks, I mean old timers. Doesn't sound right does it? Well  school mates all the way back from high school since 1994 I think. It brought back some of my fond memories, not that i want to share it with you here. (almost got recognized by  a dude who claimed I punch him in the face, in the toilet knowingly I said that was someone else).

Anyway,  it was a wedding dinner and was very honored that I was invited to it. Thanks again Nicole. Again I want to apologize to those I have totally forgotten your names and vaguely recognizable face, either you're stretch sideways, wind blew off your hair or someone graffitied your face, so please do accept my humble apology or if I have insulted any of you old timers! One for the road cheers! 

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