Sunday, March 27, 2005

Beauty and the Beast

Have you ever seen an ugly person with a beautiful person? I mean really really really ugly and really really really beautiful. We can let go, for the moment, of the hot topic on qualifications of beauty such as thinness, fairness, long hairness, youth, as we can ignore the usual seemingly synonymous with ugly, like fatness, darkness, oldness, baldness, etc. When we get to that bitter first impression, the reaction reality where internally we register that person as ugly or beautiful this assuming we can even get there at all, since society has had such tremendous impact on how we define these two qualities that we no longer know what our opinion is compared to what is said by the advertising firms so much that the person bulldozes us with their looks, in the either or they are beautiful to the point of painful gaze, or they are incurably ugly in the 'hope to die fashion'.

Both extremes are actually fairly rare, as most of us to one degree or another have aspects of either depending on the right hour and the right situation, and so we happen upon such individuals once in a blue moon. But when encountered together, it is kind of a revelation unfolding in real time. Talk about beauty and the beast you see those two and it's almost like "Where are the dancing candle at?" It is somewhat more likely in KL, where the extraordinarily beautiful flock to make appearances in night clubs and shopping malls. I see these couples and I am glad for them, if it is likely that there is love there, and not a manifestation of a mid-life crisis, or a gold-digger in the process of panning.

Therein lies a communion, and usually a lifelong one, because they are freaks, and whatever kind of freak you are, freak is freak. We don't like beautiful/beautiful couples. They are routinely shunned and admired, but with more of an emphasis on the former. Look at the media reported on JLo and Ben Afquack. It was as if they were saying "See even beauty and money and fame will never save you from heartbreak!" almost laughingly, as if there was to be some vengeance to savor for the people who 'have not' over those who seem to 'have it all'. Truthfully, no one can 'have it all'. Just as no one is a 'have not'. I cannot imagine the 'Ben-nifer', so cleverly coined by the press, with two heads, other stars and family and one bad movie between them, "Gigli" which no one saw or bothered to learn how to pronounce, have a fulfilled and happy life. So I guess we are all ugly, just as we are all beautiful. I guess that is what I mean to say.

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